City Winery

At City Winery, a restaurant, concert venue, event space, and winery, I was responsible for all marketing materials in the Boston location. I created event posters, web collateral, social media images, menus, wine packaging and promotional event materials for concerts and shows in the different spaces of the venue. On a weekly basis as we announced new shows, I assessed artist brands and requirements to come up with client-centered promotional material while staying within the company’s brand guidelines. This included of editing photos, creating social media content, and keeping inventory of printed collateral for each venue daily.

October 2019 - June 2020

Check Presenters

These are 4x8 printed material I made using InDesign and Photoshop for the restaurant staff to include in checks when customers received their bill. We targeted these materials based on the genre of show customers were attending, and which venue they we attending in. The goal was to market as many shows as possible having the small amount of space on the paper. I worked with a printing vendor and to make sure they were in the right color space and high enough resolution imaging for printing.

Wine Labels

These wine labels that I made for both performances at City Winery and for new bottled product to be sold at the Boston location. The shorter square was made at request of the artist, in which I took photos from their approved press kits, edited them in Photoshop, and used InDesign to create a wine label fitting our 2x2 square label format. I then printed these labels to put on the wine bottles and sell them that evening. The longer format labels are designs that I made for our 2020 varietals that were being made in-house. They were formatted to a 4x3 wine label, submitted for approval by of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, and printed professionally to be ready for the bottling process.


These are a few favorites of dozens of posters that I made for performances at City Winery and for promote the winemaking process. The photos are from their approved press kits, edited them in Photoshop, and used InDesign and Illustrator to create a both 11x17 and 24x26 posters that fit in with City Winery’s brand guidelines but also brought in the personality of the artist and energy of the photo. I printed the 11x17 posters myself, and sent out the 24x36 to be professionally printed.

Social Media Content

For every show/event/new promotion that was being offered, I created a promotional folder of images for Facebook, Instagram grids and stories, Twitter, a web image that fit the guidelines for our website, a “sold out” version of that image, an email banner, and a PowerPoint slide that would get worked into our ongoing presentations of upcoming shows. The images below are just a few I of the hundreds that I made, all varying in size due to the channel they were created for.




Freelance Clients